
Install for development

First ensure you have pip, virtualenv packages installed and GNU make available on your system. Then type:

git clone
cd cookiecutter-bireli
make install


You will need to keep your install up to date yourself opposed to the direct repository usage which always try to use the latest version.

Once installed you can create shortcut with a bash alias in your .bash_aliases:

alias cookdjango='/home/your/install/cookiecutter-bireli/.venv/bin/cookiecutter /home/your/install/cookiecutter-bireli'

So you will just have to execute following command to create a new project:



Every feature proposal and bug fixes must pass through a Pull request.


To avoid managing main components versions through multiple files and miss some inconsistencies, main component versions are stored through private variables in cookiecutter template configuration file cookiecutter.json.

These variables are strings that must be valid requirement versions for Python package, except for the frontend components that must be valid versions for NPM.