Get Bireli#


You don’t need this to use a Bireli project, it is only for developers that need to create some fresh new projects.

Without install#

To use Bireli to create a new project you just need to install Cookiecutter version 2.1.0 or latter.

You may then use it from its repository URL:


Install for development#

To speed up project creation you may install this cookie on your system.

First ensure you have pip and virtualenv packages installed and GNU make available on your system. Then type:

git clone
cd cookiecutter-bireli
make install


You will need to update your Bireli install yourself opposed to the direct repository usage (Without install) which always try to use the latest version from master branch.

Makefile task#

Or you can use the Makefile task:

make project

It will create all new project in dist/ directory.

Bash alias#

Once installed you can also create shortcut with a bash alias in your .bash_aliases:

alias cookbireli='/home/your/install/cookiecutter-bireli/.venv/bin/cookiecutter /home/your/install/cookiecutter-bireli'

So you will just have to execute following command to create a new project:
